The BSAA Announces an Open Call for a New Logo!



Our calls for entry are open to all Buxton Alum.


Your Stone Hill alumni brethren are looking for the definitive logo that will imprint on young and old minds forever, the beauty and gravitas of life at our alma mater.  
Whether you fancy yourself a serious artist or a driven aspirant, please dive in and give us your best vision.  Don’t be shy; no one has a preconceived idea of what it should look like.  It could have a lion, an image of Mt. Greylock, trees, or something entirely abstract.  
We will add that font choice is considered part of the logo and as such is an important part of creating an image that is totally cool and sticks in the mind forever. 
What, you may ask, is the prize for the winner?  Okay, don’t get greedy. It will be seeing your creation guide generations of Buxton alum. It will make them feel at home whenever they see it. And it will fill you (and us) with Olde School Pride.
 So get out your art supplies. All of us are excited to see what you come up with!! 

Submission Requirements:

  • Submissions should be emailed to with the heading ‘Logo Competition’
  • No limit to the number of logos you can submit for consideration.
  • Logos must be submitted as PDF’s with a maximum size of 10 MB. The winning logo will need to be resubmitted as a vector file. We can assist you in this conversion if necessary.
  • All submissions must include Full name, email, phone number, years spent at Buxton, and a brief (100 words max) bio.
  • The BSAA will own the copyright to the winning submission.


Entry Deadline: June 15, 2024, 11:59 pm EST. 
Notification date: July 1, 2024 11:59 pm EST
If your work is selected, you will receive further information at that time.
AGREEMENT: BSAA reserves the right to use images of the artwork on its website, print and social media. By submitting artwork via this call, the artist agrees to the terms outlined above. The artist submitting their work understands that inclusion is not guaranteed as this is a juried opportunity. BSAA gains full copyright of the winning submission.

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