News From Beyond Stone Hill

Welcome to the Buxton School Alum Association’s (BSAA) first official communique!

This time last year, the BSAA was only the beginning of an idea. Thanks to the efforts of many, we are now a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) nonprofit, with an interim board of nine and a senior advisor from the class of 1964. Visit the website: and get connected. 

Buxton may look different today than our own treasured and occasionally complex teenage memories, but when we joined together last year we proved that Buxton still holds immense value for our alum community.  

We all helped nudge the school back on course, and our continued active engagement will help maintain that direction. The school is on the path to sustainability, and we’re proud of all the roles our alums have stepped into to help sustain a future for our special place on Stone Hill.

BSAA Zoom Gatherings

The BSAA has been holding monthly Zoom gatherings for Alums. We will use these meetings to stay connected, share important information and updates about Buxton, and provide opportunities to be more engaged. You'll find updated news and event information on our website., as well as the recordings of our past events. 

Save the date: 

The next BSAA Zoom Gathering will be Tuesday, June 25th at 7:30 pm ET. More details to follow.

The BSAA is Looking for a New Logo

It's time for an official BSAA logo and we are holding a contest! We are looking for entries from our talented alum artists! We have visions of t-shirts, ballcaps, koozies and more! Whether you fancy yourself a serious artist, a driven aspirant, or the back of a napkin scribbler, please dive in and give us your best vision. The due date for submissions is June 15, 2024. You can find more info on our website:

Annual Fund Update

Buxton is in the final push for the 2024 Annual Fund. After last year’s record fundraising effort to prevent the land sale to the Clark, the school has made amazing strides towards long-term stability and financial sustainability. In addition to key hires in Development and Admissions, John Barrengos will start as the new Head of School on July 1st. With a wealth of experience and a proven track record in educational leadership, John joins us from The Putney School in VT. You can read more about John and the Head of School search on the Buxton website here:

However, the school is not out of the woods and still needs our support.  Any donation, no matter how large or small, is helpful and important. High participation numbers clearly demonstrate how special and treasured the Buxton experience is to those who lived it. Participation rates serve as an important component in any grant opportunities the school may pursue as part of future development plans. If you've already made a gift, thank you! If not, please consider making a gift now.

Support Buxton Today

Become a Member of the BSAA

Last, but not least! Are you a BSAA member? While every alum is already part of our community, joining the BSAA helps ensure that your contact information is up to date and that you are in the loop. We aspire to have every alum be a member of BSAA. Everyone who attended the school is welcome, whether they graduated or not.

We look forward to sharing all of the amazing accomplishments that our alum community has achieved beyond Buxton and creating a new platform for collaboration, including an Alum Directory.

We need volunteers! If you’re interested in volunteering on any of our committees, or if you have any brilliant project ideas, let us know with an email to

Whatever your interests and strengths, there are numerous ways for you to get involved. You can volunteer to

  • Become an Admissions Ambassador working with the Admissions office to help attract more students to Buxton.

  • Support career and college development with Alum and students.

  • Organize events and gatherings.

  • Be a class agent and keep your peers engaged with the school

  • Moving? Job Hunting? Changing careers? Connect with alums who can help with networking, information, or maybe just a couch to crash on when you're traveling.

  • Have a voice at the table and help the school thrive.

  • Help spread the values of progressive education.

  • Become a BSAA Board member.

Finally, the BSAA will be holding elections for a longer-term board at our annual meeting in September. To vote and/or run in the elections, you’ll need to join the BSAA. You can join the BSAA at and click on “Count Me In”

Join the BSAA

Your Interim BSAA Board Members

Moya Hallstein, ‘87, Chair
Robyn Linzner ‘07, Clerk
Jeffrey Von Arx (Java) ‘87, Vice-Chair
Harton Wolf ‘62, Treasurer

John Benjamin ‘86
David Bluestein ‘08
Greg Prestopino ‘65
Ellen Shershow ‘90
Jim Stockman ‘60
Everett Williams ‘90

Senior Advisor
Waring Fincke ’64


Beyond Stone Hill July 2024


The BSAA Announces an Open Call for a New Logo!